“A new commandment I give you that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34
“Let’s make some room.” You hear it on the bleachers at the game as people crowd in. You hear it at the dinner table when some last-minute guests are invited to join you. You hear it, or want to hear it, at church, and not just on Christmas Eve and Easter, but every Sunday!

However, the physical room we make for people is a result of another kind of room we make. The room in our hearts. Making room begins with caring for people, offering love and friendship, and truly desiring to have them with us.
This Sunday we will explore this first and most important aspect of making room: how to make room in our hearts. To get us ready, our communications folks put together an incredible video that celebrates the care and love of St. Luke’s. Take a look:
This is who we are. We are a church that makes room for others because others made room for us. So, join us Sunday...and be ready to make a little room for others!