Lenten Small Groups

Looking for a Lent Group?

You’re in the right place! Because below is an invitation – to find your people - to laugh with, grow with, and learn from. So, take a first step – browse all of the groups below – and see what God does.

Small Groups in Lent meet 5 times and talk about the sermons, no other prep work is required. We provide a weekly discussion guide, and you can hear each week’s message, in-person, via streaming or podcast. You’ll find groups in homes, coffee shops, on Zoom or in our church buildings. Groups will meet weekly from March 9 through April 12. We hope you can attend at least 3 times to get the most out of it. While the format is the same – each group is different so explore below. Still have questions? Contact Heidi Schopmeyer at heidi.schopmeyer@stlukesumc.com.

Group Finder